Parkinson's disease
Prevention from prodromal to palliative

Registrations for the 4th DPS conference in Utrecht are now open!

After another successful DPS conference in Nijmegen in 2023, we are delighted to organize the 2024 edition in Utrecht! We hereby invite all members of the Dutch Parkinson Scientists to attend the DPS conference on Friday November 1st, 9:00-17:00 in Utrecht. 

Location: de Zalen van Zeven, Boothstraat 7, Utrecht

This years' theme is Translational Neuroscience: we will discuss relevant topics varying from transplantation technologies to drug-screening as well as molecular and clinical approaches. As a keynote we invited Prof. dr. Thomas Perlmann from the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden for an exciting talk on his work regarding dopamine neuron development and regeneration medicine approaches to study PD. 

All researchers joining the conference are invited to submit an abstract, also if your work is not directly linked to the theme! Abstract deadline is September 10th, 2024.

In addition, all junior members are invited to also join the pre-conference on Thursday October 31st 2024, 13:00-17:30h, which is all about a career in PD research beyond a PhD and/or postdoc. After the junior event on Thursday October 31st 2024 there is an opportunity for all interested (both juniors/seniors/everyone) to join for dinner in the city center of Utrecht for € 37,50. More information on the final program of this junior pre-conference afternoon will be shared soon on the DPS website, and a separate email to the junior members.

Sign up here:

Registrations are open until September 10th, 2024 (with abstract) or October 15th, 2024 (without abstract), or until the maximum capacity of the venue has been reached.

Looking forward to seeing you in Utrecht!

Latest news

Parkinson in kaart: de juiste keuzes maken in onderzoek

Geoormerkte grote giften via ParkinsonNL

4th Annual Dutch Parkinson Scientists Congress

Upcoming events

International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, USA

September 27 - October 1

Junior pre-conference, Utrecht

October 31

Annual DPS congress, Utrecht

November 1

To donate

If you would like to support the work of 'Dutch Parkinson Scientists' financially, we would like to refer you to ParkinsonNL, the independent fundraiser. You can donate directly into the ParkinsonNL bank account: Iban: NL03ABNA0501566651

Interesting links

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ParkinsonNEXT is an online platform where people with Parkinson's, their relatives and care providers can easily participate in research. We help researchers find participants for their studies, which range from questionnaire research to clinical trials. Our database now covers more than 3800 participants. Through ParkinsonNEXT, researchers and companies can therefore do better research and achieve a breakthrough in the treatment of people with Parkinson's. ParkinsonNEXT is the part of ParkinsonNet that is responsible for research and innovation. Curious about what we can do for you? Read more here: