Junior DPS Newsletter 1

April 2023

It has been a while since we last saw each other, so time for an update of what the junior committee is working on. Throughout the year, we will keep you updated through our newsletters.

Looking back at our first year as junior committee
The junior committee was installed in March 2022. Our aim is to represent the voice of junior Parkinson(ism) researchers in the board of the Dutch Parkinson Scientists (DPS) and to connect junior researchers. In our first year we focused on reaching out to as many juniors as possible. The pre-conference in Groningen was definitely our highlight of the year!

Update on our current activities
We are working on a ‘Talent program’ together with ParkinsonNL. The aim of this program is to facilitate junior researchers who would like to stay in academia. More on that later. Furthermore, we are preparing several events where we hope to see you all!

Stay tuned for these upcoming events:

  • May 12th (Amsterdam): Fantastic Brain Event! Learn about brain bio-banking, anatomy and neuropathology. You will get the opportunity to work on human brains. This event has a maximum capacity. More info and registration via this link
  • September (date + location TBD): Insights into Parkinson’s disease in daily life. Visit to outpatient clinic. More info will follow.
  • November 2nd (Nijmegen): Junior pre-conference. Communicating your research in written text to a lay audience. More info will follow.
  • November 3rd (Nijmegen): Annual DPS congress. Theme: prevention. Keynote speaker: Thomas Foltynie. Deadline submission abstracts: September 15th. More info will follow.

Published a paper? Share it!
Did you recently publish a paper? Or do you have your defense coming up? Share it with the community by sending an e-mail with a short summary to junior@dutchparkinsoncientists.nl then we can include it in the next newsletter and in the LinkedIn group (Junior DPS)!

See you soon! Tino, Sabine, Sygrid and Oxana