Junior DPS Newsletter 3
April 2024
Looking back at the “Meet your subject” event in Groningen
Friday 8th of March we gathered in Groningen for our visit to a Punt voor Parkinson! We gained insight into how a Punt for Parkinson works, learnt how to assess motor and cognitive symptoms, and had several lectures. We look back at a very interactive, informative, and inspiring day!
Opportunities for prizes
- Parki stimuleringsprijs 2024: Stichting Parki announced their ‘Parki Stimuleringsprijs’ (€2500) for young Parkinson scientists. Apply before April 30th via this link.
- Talentprizes 2024 by ParkinsonNL: will you receive the prize for ‘Best Publication’ or ‘Best Dissertation’ in the field of Parkinson(ism)? Stay tuned for the details via Informatie voor onderzoekers | ParkinsonNL Registration is not open yet. Winners will be announced at the DPS congress 2024.
Present your research at the ParkinsonNet congress on Wednesday June 5th
On Wednesday June 5th, 1700 ParkinsonNet healthcare professionals (e.g., physiotherapists, speech therapists, nurses, neurologists) gather at the ParkinsonNet congress in Nieuwegein.
You have the opportunity to present a poster of your research to them! For more information on the congress, visit their website. Register your poster here. You don’t need to pay any registration fees and you can present your poster in English.
Stay tuned for our upcoming events:
- June 28th 18.30h, (Utrecht, Louis Hartlooper complex): Discussion & drinks. Bob van Hilten will give a lecture on the lessons he learnt from the past decades of PD research and will look ahead to into what we can expect from research in the future. There will be plenty of room for discussion. We will start and finish with drinks in a café. More info will follow in May.
- October 31st(Utrecht): Junior pre-conference. Theme: What to do after your PhD?
- November 1st(Utrecht): Annual DPS congress. Theme: Translational Neuroscience.
Goodbye friends
Sygrid and Tino signed off for the junior committee. We are sad that they leave us, but are grateful for their contribution to DPS. Thanks both! Olav will take over for Groningen. We are still looking for a junior member from Amsterdam to join us.
Published a paper? PhD defense upcoming? Share it!
Did you recently publish a paper? Or do you have your defense coming up? Share it by sending an e-mail with a short summary to junior@dutchparkinsoncientists.nl!
We look forward to see you in June!
Anouk, Olav, Sabine and Oxana